Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hello, this is a very simple blog. I am looking for as much support as I can get by way of comments from real live people who are loosing their homes in foreclosure and want to tell congress to pass H.R. 200.

This very important bill must pass in order to get immediate help to the millions of Americans who are facing foreclosure, being homeless and who cannot wait for stimulas package money to trickle down from the pockets of the corporate executives into the economy.

I urge you to read this Bill, it is very simple and easy. Even if your home is not in foreclosure, you do have neighbors who are loosing their homes and those lost homes will directly impact you and your life style.

I urge you to post a comment on this blog in support of this Bill, to send an email immediately to your representative, state & federal, telling them to support this Bill NOW!

For immediate relief for millions, to help create jobs by having support services for the judges to make their decisions, without additional cost to the every growing debt, please post your support.

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